General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS)

  1. Preamble

    These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter "GTCS") apply to all bulk honey sales made by Lodima-France (hereinafter "the Company"), whose head office is located in Avignon, France, to its professional customers (hereinafter "the Customer"), throughout France.

  2. Orders

    Orders can be placed via our online system, by e-mail, via WhatsApp messaging, or by SMS. An order is considered validated when the payment for it has been made in full. The validation of the order by the Customer, regardless of the method of order placement, implies unreserved acceptance of these GTCS.

  3. Price, payment, and variations

    The prices of our products are indicated in euros excluding taxes and excluding shipping costs. Prices may vary between the initial contact with the Customer and the validation of the order. In such a case, the Company undertakes to inform the Customer of this variation, whether it be an increase or a decrease, before the validation of the order. Once the order has been validated, the price cannot be revised either upwards or downwards. Payment for your purchases is made by check or bank transfer. Payment is due in full at the time of the order.

  4. Delivery and reception

    The Company entrusts the shipment of its products to a carrier. The products are shipped with the delivery note, to the delivery address indicated by the Customer at the time of the order. As soon as the shipment of the pallet is confirmed by the Company, it cannot be held responsible for any problems that might occur during transport. The Customer is obliged to check the condition of the products upon reception. In case of damages noted, the Customer must refuse the entire delivery and report this to the carrier. If the goods are accepted at the time of delivery, no subsequent recourse will be possible.

  5. Quality and integrity of the product

    The Company guarantees that the honey sold complies with current standards, including a moisture content of less than 20%. The honey is guaranteed to be free of added sugar, syrup, antibiotics, or other substances. In case of a dispute regarding the quality of the honey, analyses can be carried out on the batch number sold, in comparison with the results of two independent laboratories. However, the Company cannot be held responsible for any problem that may arise following improper storage or misuse of the honey by the Customer after delivery. The Customer is solely responsible for the use they make of the product once delivered.

  6. Information on the origin of the honey

    The origin of the honey is clearly indicated on the order form and invoice. It is the responsibility of the reseller to correctly communicate this information to their customers. The Company cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the reseller's errors or omissions in communicating this information to their customers.

  7. No right of withdrawal

    In accordance with current legal provisions, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts for the supply of goods that have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.

  8. Liabilities

    The Company cannot be held liable for damages of any nature, whether material, immaterial, or bodily, that could result from the misuse of the products sold.

  9. Disputes

    In case of a dispute, the Customer is invited to approach the Company to find an amicable solution. If the parties fail to resolve their differences amicably, they agree to resort to a mediator before any legal action. In the absence of an amicable agreement between the Customer and the Company, the dispute will be brought before the competent court in Avignon.

  10. Applicable law

    These GTCS are subject to French law.

These conditions can be modified at any time without notice.