Welcome to Lodima-France, your supplier of high-quality honey. Our story begins in 2013, when the founder, then owner of the Miellerie Beaussire, decided to broaden his horizons and created LDM-Beaussire, with a flock of over 300 hives.

Driven by a passion for bees, our founder embraced the role of bee health officer, to assist his fellow beekeepers. He became a true guardian, dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of bees. However, like many beekeepers in France, we have experienced a drop in production as the demand for honey continued to grow. Indeed, honey consumption in France exceeds production.

In response to this growing demand, various companies - from confectioneries to bakeries, restaurants, supermarkets, and resellers - turned to us for their honey supply. With a portion of our flock in Spain, we were able to establish a network of trusted beekeepers, some of whom have been in the business since 1980.

Thus was born Lodima-France, a French company based in Provence. Today, we import several tons of high-quality honey not only in Europe, but beyond. Our aim is to meet the growing demand for honey, but always with a clear commitment: quality.

Every jar of honey we produce undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure the best possible product. We have put in place a strict monitoring protocol with our beekeeping partners to ensure the purity and integrity of our honey. Our honeys come from various regions of Europe, including Romania, Spain, and Italy.

We invite you to join us in our mission to provide quality honey while contributing to the preservation of our precious bee populations. Discover our range of honeys and savor the sweetness and richness that only a superior quality product can offer. At Lodima-France, quality and sustainability go hand in hand.