At Lodima-France, we are constantly striving to make our customers' lives easier. In this spirit, we are proud to introduce our honey potting service. We offer jars of 250g, 450g, and 910g, delivered in sets of 12, a choice suitable for every need.


Choose between our secure labels (complete with barcodes and complying with current regulations) or your own personalized labels. With our service, your honey is ready to be sold as soon as it arrives. Our glass jars not only ensure optimal honey conservation, but also an attractive presentation to your customers.

Save time and money with our honey potting service. While the price per jar may be slightly higher than our 20kg bucket offer, the actual cost is comparable or even lower once you factor in the time and investment necessary for potting.

Remember that honey potting must be carried out in strict accordance with prevailing regulations. Moreover, the time spent potting the honey, as well as the costs associated with purchasing jars and labels, can quickly add up. By opting for our potting service, you can focus your efforts on what truly matters: growing your business and serving your customers.

So, why not try our honey potting service? You will not only save time and money, but you will also have the peace of mind that your honey is handled with care and in full compliance with all hygiene and safety standards. At Lodima-France, we are dedicated to providing you with the best solutions for your business.

If you want to know more about our potting service, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We would be delighted to answer all your questions.